A simple yet effective three-card tarot spread that can be adapted for a number of areas.
1. Current Situation: This card represents the current state of the area you're focusing on. It provides a snapshot of where you are right now.
2. Challenges/Obstacles: This card represents the challenges or obstacles you may face in this area. It can provide insight into what might be holding you back or what you need to overcome.
3. Advice/Path Forward: This card represents advice or guidance for the future. It suggests a path forward or action to take to achieve your goals or improve your situation.
You can use this spread for each of the areas below by focusing on that area when you shuffle and draw the cards, or create your own question for your particular area. Here's how you might phrase your question or intention for each area:
- Life: "What is my current situation in life, what challenges am I facing, and what is the advice for my path forward?"
- Future: "What is my current trajectory towards the future, what obstacles might I encounter, and what is the advice for my path forward?"
- Goals: "What is the current state of my progress towards my goals, what challenges am I facing, and what is the advice for my path forward?"
- Obstacles: "What is the current main obstacle in my life, what challenges does it present, and what is the advice for overcoming it?"
- Mental Health: "What is the current state of my mental health, what challenges am I facing, and what is the advice for my path forward?"
Remember, tarot is a tool for introspection and guidance, not prediction. The future is not set in stone, and you have the power to change your path.